
Hello~! Thank you for considering commissioning me<3 It means a ton!


1. How much time will a commission from me take?

Well, truth be told there isn't a one-answer-fits-all here. But in a short, general answer is usually at least a week! I typically give an estimated wait time to anyone who commissions me so don't worry you won't be left in the dark.If for some reason the commission will take longer I will always inform you. And if you're curious on who is in front of you I do have a queue you can check out. ^^

2. Do you give updates?

Yes, I do. I generally give updates at the completion of the sketch, lineart, base colors, and background stages. I only update on the background if it's a detailed background as simple backgrounds take no time and will most likely be revealed with the completed piece.If you desire more frequent updates(for example daily) don't be afraid to ask! It's not a problem to update you more frequently if it makes you feel more comfortable<3

3. How do payments work?

I'm generally pretty understanding when it comes to the money aspect of things as I've been quite poor most of my life. So here are some payment options for you to make you feel more comfortable or maybe help you afford things better:- All up front! This is not an option meant for those who want more security when commissioning me or can't afford the whole commission right away however this is a payment option that I do accept.- Paid in full after sketch This is my default payment option. You pay full price after you approve the sketch I provide you.- 50% after the sketch is done and 50% after completion! This is kind of a mini payment plan in a sense.- Payment plans! I generally probably won't do these unless the commission is at least $50 USD as my commissions are relatively cheap. I feel splitting a $5 commission up is... overly complicated for such a small amount? I will do a 2-4 step payment plan. This means I will divide the total cost of the commission into 2-4 equal payments but the first payment MUST be paid upfront to show good faith! The amount of payments is determined by the cost of your commission(s).

4. Copyrights!

Honestly I don't care what you use my art for. As far as I'm concerned you bought it you do whatever you want with it! All I ask is just please don't claim it as your own or use it to promote harmful/illegal things/material. I really wouldn't want to be attacked for my art being used for immature things. v,vI do claim permission to use any commissioned art in any advertisements/promotions!

5. Refunds!

I do provide refunds however I won't provide them under the following conditions:- You decide you don't like the piece after it's completion!- You want to commission someone else and need the money back to do so!- I'm "taking too long" if you agreed to the original estimated time and it has not gone over said time!- After I reach the half way point in the commission if you want to pull out for any reason that isn't reasonable I will deny your refund!By sending me the password below, you confirm you have read the terms above and acknowledge that if you break these terms you may potentially be blacklisted without a refund. Do NOT commission me if you will not abide by my terms.

Art Prices

Here you can find all the prices of my art!

These are all flatcolor prices! Shading is always +15 as are detailed backgrounds! Additional bodies are +10.

Please note that ANY of these prices can change depending on complexity.

You must read my TOS before commissioning.

Species get discounted prices! All species discounts will be shown below.

-xxxxxxxxxx-Sketches:$15 USD/1500 DA points/12 Species Currency

Lineart:$18 USD/1800 DA points/14 Species Currency

Busts/Headshots:$15 USD/1500 DA points/12 Species Currency

Icons/Avatars:$20 USD/2000 DA points/15 Species Currency

Halfbodies/Knees up:$28 USD/2800 DA points/22 Species Currency

Fullbodies:$38 USD/3800 DA points/32 Species Currency

Ref Sheets:$55 USD/5500 DA points/45 Species Currency

Chibis:$25 USD/2500 DA points/20 Species Currency

NSFW:Any previous price mentioned doubled.


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  10. N/A